Garden FAQ’s

Will you also build the garden?

No. We supply design only (and planting advice) services. Our detailed design work comes ready to be passed on to contractors for tender. We can, however, help you to identify and appoint a landscape contractor and act as site inspector during the build.

How do you decide upon which plants to use?

Once planting areas have been identified, we start by deciding on appropriate structural elements (trees and shrubs) before adding a generous palette of perennials, grasses and bulbs; all calculated to provide year round interest. We then source plants from top trade nurseries and arrange for delivery to your site.

How long does the whole process take?

The time needed to fully realise your special space depends on many factors including site complexity, contractor availability and time of year, and is likely to happen in stages. After first meeting, however, I should be able to estimate the time needed to complete your design and a sense of the likely stages involved.

Can I incorporate wildflowers?

Absolutely: There are different options available, depending on the desired effect and level of maintenance available. I routinely prefer to incorporate native indigenous plants in planting plans anyway.

How do you generate your design?

Once I have the necessary practical information, I start to draw…. once I’ve resolved the basic design, I then use CAD software to generate views and technical detailing.

I’d like a beautiful garden but don’t have time for its maintenance.

That’s perfectly understandable. In working out your special space, the level and nature of maintenance available is one of the defining considerations. We can advise on various low maintenance garden solution options, but zero maintenance artifice is just not something we do.

Will you design to revamp just a specific or problems area, or will you only consider entire gardens for redesign?

At DGD we are more than happy to help you with a specific or problem area.

This could be a particularly tricky area of your garden because of changes in levels, or perhaps very wet or shady – or perhaps you’d love to introduce a garden office but need help identifying the best possible site.
Our own home studio nestles beautifully into a steeply sloping site beside our home and was recently installed as one element of the landscape redesign.

Depending on the nature of the challenge you face, we will apply appropriate elements of the other processes outlined to arrive at the right solution.

We are always more than happy to work alongside other teams of contractors or specialists.

How do I know the plants will thrive in my site?

This is an important aspect of working out your planting plan. Often the optimum growing environment quoted on plants in garden centres is based on climate and conditions elsewhere (often southern England). This is where my horticultural knowledge and lifetime experience of experimenting with growing plants in central Scotland comes into play. I assess the levels of light and shelter, prevailing winds, soil type and pH, and can confidently choose appropriate plants for your site.

How do I know your design will be ecologically friendly?

At Deanburn Garden Design, we work sympathetically with Nature to optimise your special space. An important focus at Deanburn Garden Design is on supporting and improving the fit of any garden space within Nature. Our design work seeks to support and improve biodiversity across, and between, planting, insects, and wildlife. We follow industry legislation and regulation, always adhering to sustainable urban drainage systems SuDS.

I prefer not to take on any project that is likely to result in a detrimental ecological impact to the site.

Will you consider designing for communal areas (e.g., apartment blocks or business properties) – including parking requirements?

Absolutely! With clearly agreed site requirements, we are more than happy to design best use of communal areas including calculating optimum car parking arrangements.